MCQ #4 Corrections [TOTAL SCORE: 43/50]


EXPLANATION: Breaking these 4 connections (illustrated in the image) would cause the two computers to loose connections


EXPLANATION: Packages don’t need to be encrypted, only broken down. However, metadata is needed to route the data


EXPLANATION: Run time does affect teh ability of a program to process data, since the program is unable to process it if it takes too long. However, the number of statements in a program doesn’t affect the ability, since the efficiency of a program is not affected by number of steps.


EXPLANATION: Information about individual subscribers (like ID) is not stored, so it is impossible to know how many individual subscribers there are per month


EXPLANATION: having 64 bits adds 32 more digits to the data, which means


EXPLANATION: n^2 is reasonable (?)



EXPLANATION: In the answer I chose, the index was starting at 2, meaning the indexes before those wouldn’t be compared to the max value