defining dictionaries:

fruit = {
    "bananas": 0.62, 
    "apples": 1.23, 
    "grapes": 2.24, 
    "strawberries": 1.37, 
    "oranges": 1.45 

#veg + their prices
vegs = {
    "potatoes": 0.78, 
    "tomatoes": 1.91, 
    "onions": 0.97, 
    "carrots": 0.49, 
    "bell peppers": 1.46

#combines fruit and veg into one dictionary
food = dict()
food["fruit"] = fruit
food["vegs"] = vegs

print("fruit and their price:" + str(fruit))
print("vegetables and their price:" + str(vegs))
fruit and their price:{'bananas': 0.62, 'apples': 1.23, 'grapes': 2.24, 'strawberries': 1.37, 'oranges': 1.45}
vegetables and their price:{'potatoes': 0.78, 'tomatoes': 1.91, 'onions': 0.97, 'carrots': 0.49, 'bell peppers': 1.46}

for loop with index:

overall_price = 0
overall_price2 = 0

#for-loop for summing all values in the 'fruit' dictionary 
for i in fruit:
    overall_price = overall_price + fruit[i]
#for-loop for summing all values in the 'vegs' dictionary 
for i in vegs:
    overall_price2 = overall_price2 + vegs[i]
print("overall price of fruits: $", str(overall_price))
print("overall price of vegetables: $", str(overall_price2))
overall price of fruits: $ 6.91
overall price of fruits: $ 5.61

for loop (without index):

cart = []

for x in fruit:
    cart.append(x) #adds items from fruit
print("your cart: " + str(cart))
for x in vegs:
    cart.append(x) #adds items from vegetables 
print("your cart: " + str(cart))
your cart: ['bananas', 'apples', 'grapes', 'strawberries', 'oranges']
your cart: ['bananas', 'apples', 'grapes', 'strawberries', 'oranges', 'potatoes', 'tomatoes', 'onions', 'carrots', 'bell peppers']