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Missed Questions:

Question 8:

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Correction: The code will only work if j and k are within the lists newList and numList. Therefore j and k must be within 1 and the length of the lists

Question 20:

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Correction: 16 can be represented with 4 bits, since 16 can we written as 2^4

Question 21:

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Correction: Binary systems can also represent colors and sound

Question 24:

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Correction: In binary 1011 is equal to 11 in decimal, and therefore greater than 12 in decimal

Question 27:

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Correction: More detailed variables are easier to keep track of

Question 36:

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Correction: this answer only works if the value of i is set as 0 initially

Question 39:

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Correction: the indices of lists are usually posiitive integers

Question 43:

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Correction: The amount increases by the last integer + 1 each time (not just 1)