This lesson plan is not fully complete. Unfortunately I’m traveling right now, so I didn’t have time to finish it up completely. I’m planning to come up with a more concrete plan as soon as I get home on Wednesday. Sorry about that!

Key vocab:

  • Algorithm (discussed in pt 1)


  • Understand the different types of values that could be stored in variables
  • Understand how the order of steps in an algorithm may change the outcome, and be able to track different variables through a procedure

Ideas for interactive elements:

  • Show how changing the order of the steps can change the overall algorithm as a whole
  • Send a notebook to everyone, and have them change around the order of the steps themselves
  • Ask them what they think the outcome will be, then have everyone test the outcome to see if they’re correct
  • Show them how to track the values assigned to variables as it changes.

Overall Plan: 1) Discuss different ways variables can be used 2) Discuss and show an example of how changing a procedure can change the result, and how to track the changes 3) Send a notebook and have everyone test changing steps of a procedure themselves

Ideas for Hacks:

  • Create a flowchart to demonstrate changes to variables (?)
  • Tie in with Sreeja’s hack of creating flowchart for an algorithm, and have a table with changes…