Key Questions:

Think of three beneficial effects of your projects based on 5.1 Unit

Think of a potential harmful effect of your project.

Answer with an opinion and learnings so far this year:What are pros/cons on internet blockers at router and lack of admin password on lab machines at school?

What concerns do you have personally about the digital divide? For yourself or for others.

Unit 5.1 -- Beneficial and Harmful Effects

Open AI ChatGPT:

--> Disrupter: something that changes up the current system or model of something

  • ChatGPT is changing the way people learn
  • changing business model (no advertisement)


  • easier to learn different topics
  • more streamlined version of google


  • bias --> example of ai only recognizing light skinned people
  • ai could be coded with only one perspective


1) Benefits and harms of computing:


  • allows everyone to create any program they want
  • high availability -- anyone can learn coding
  • very powerful tool, especially since a lot of a person's time is spent online
  • many jobs require coding


  • can be used to create code that is harmful to a community
  • computer viruses, privacy issues, etc
  • ai is a very controversial form of computing

  1. Video games and the addiction to the Dopamine that comes from it is a problem that many people face. Video games are designed to have people play for hours, since the more people play the game the better it does economically. I don't think video games should be removed, but limiting video games and practicing self control are important skills.

Unit 5.2 -- Digital Divide

--> Digital divide: a un-equality in the amount of access to technology people have

  • some poorer communities may not have access to internet
  • censorship and internet restrictions from government in some countries

Some things that contribute to this divide is:

  • education
  • location
  • government
  • religion
  • ethnicity


  • a company based in Carlsbad
  • created to help shorten the digital divide by providing internet to places that may not have access to high speed internet


1) Three beneficial effects of our project:

  • Our project is a card matching game which can improve memory
  • It provides entertainment
  • It is a relatively easy project which can be created by beginners to learn concepts like databases and creating apis

2) Potential harmful effect:

  • Potential addiction to the game (not that our game is fun enough for that but maybe in general)

3) Pros and cons of internet blockers at our school


  • blocks content that might damage a computer
  • keeps students focused in class by blocking social websites like Discord
  • blocks inappropriate content that might be offensive from being shared at school


  • the content blocker blocking tools that might be useful or even necessary for some classes
  • prevents teaching students for making good decisions for themselves

4) Concerns about the digital divide:

  • As technology advances, it may become more expensive, causing the divide to grow even further
  • A lot of our daily lives now revolve around digital tools and devices, and those who don't have access to it are at a severe disadvantage
  • Not having proper technology can prevent people who can't afford it from being able to earn enough to actually afford it